Outdoor Air Pollution a Leading Environmental Cause of Cancer Deaths: IARC

As per the data from the WHO’s specialized cancer agency – International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer and increases the risk for bladder cancer. Air pollution is already known to increase risks for a wide range of diseases, such as respiratory and heart diseases. The data highlighted that air pollution exposure levels increased significantly in some parts of the world, particularly in speedily industrialising nations with large populations.

The data pointed that 223000 deaths from lung cancer in 2010 were caused by air pollution.

What are the main sources of outdoor air pollution?

As per the data, the main sources of outdoor air pollution are transportation, stationary power generation, industrial, agricultural emissions and residential heating and cooking.

Which pollutants causing air pollution are of major concern?

Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.



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