Government Schemes of Textile Ministry

Various Schemes of the Textile Ministry are as follows:

National Handloom Development Programme

The schemes consisting National Handloom Development Programme, Handloom Weavers Comprehensive Welfare Scheme, Yarn Supply Scheme, Trade Facilitation Centre and Craft Museum, CHCDS – Handloom Mega Cluster, Weavers Service Centre and Others Handloom Programme

National Handicrafts Development Schemes

These schemes include provision for Design and Technology Upgradation, Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana,Marketing and Support Service, Integrated Development package for J&K, Marketing Support and Services Scheme will also include interventions relating to marketing support for export promotion. Welfare schemes include Bima Yojana Scheme for artisans and also funds for Health Insurance of artisans and for Credit Guarantee Scheme. Training & Extension Scheme has been broad based and reformulated to Human Resource Development Scheme by incorporating components of similar schemes as Special Handicrafts Training Project, Guru Shishya Parampara etc. Integrated Development Package for J&K provides funds to facilitate discharge of committed liabilities .Research and Development Scheme shall also include Census of artisans. It also includes Infrastructure and Technology Development Projects and two new schemes namely Development of other crafts in J&K and Setting up Hast Kala Academy in Delhi.

Amended Technology Up-gradation Fund Scheme (A – TUFS)

The Scheme provides for Technology Upgradation of the Textiles Industry with one time capital subsidy for eligible machinery.

Integrated Processing Development Scheme (SPP)

The Scheme aims of facilitating the Textiles processing industry in becoming globally cometitive using environmentally friendly processing standerds and technology and creating both new processing parks as well as upgrading existing processing clusters/centers specifically in the area of water and waste management on public private partnership plateform through a special purpose vehicle which is promoted and managed by a group of entrepreneurs having equity in the body corporate.

Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks(SITP)

The Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks(SITP) has been launched by merging the Apparel Textile Parks and Upgrading Infrastructure facilities of Textile growth centers. One of the main purposes of introducing the SITP is to provide the Industry with world class infrastructure facilities for setting up their Textile Units. The scheme would facilitate Textile units to meet international environmental and social standards.

Flatted Factory cum Incubators

The scheme is to create an integrated workspace and linkages based entrepreneurial ecosystem for the start-ups. This integrated workspace and allied services would allow the entrepreneurs to execute their ideas and deliver their products through a process that is operationally and financially viable.

Textiles Labour Rehabilitation Scheme

The scheme provides for interim relief for transitional adjustments to the workers who have lost their jobs as a result of closure of mills to enable them to settle in another employment.

NER Textiles Promotion Scheme:

The Scheme has been introduces for the promotion of Textiles in the North Eastern Region including Sikkim.

Scheme for Usage of Geotextiles in North Eastern Region

It is proposed to introduce a plan scheme for promotion and application of geo-textiles in the North Eastern Region. The aim is to utilise geo-textiles in the development of NER infrastructure through pilot projects initially, with the ultimate objective of ensuring use of modern cost effective technology in the NER and other regions of the country on a large scale. Potential areas where geo textiles can be used are New Roads; River Bank Erosion Control; Slope Erosion Control in Hills and Embankments.

Scheme for Promoting of Agrotextiles in North Eastern Region

The aim is to utilise Agrotextiles in improving the horticulture and floricultural produce of the North Eastern States. With increasing acceptability of Agroextiles, entrepreneurship in the area of agrotextile production in the country will get an impetus. The growth of usage of Agrotextiles products in the country will thus benefit both agriculturists as well as textile entrepreneurs in the country.

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