Rashtriya Pashudhan Vikas Yojna

Earlier schemes related to Dairy and Livestock have been put together under the umbrella of Rashtriya Pashudhan Vikas Yojna (White Revolution) by the Union Government. This umbrella includes National Diary Plan/National Programme for Dairy Development, Dairy Entrepreneurship, Assistance to Cattle Institutes, Indigenous Breeds, National Programme for Bovine Breeding, Delhi Milk Scheme, supporting state co-operative Dairy Federations and Livestock Census, Integrated Sample Survey, Livestock Health and Disease Control Programme and National Livestock Mission. Some of these are described below:

National Dairy Plan

This scheme is running since 2012 and was launched to increase productivity of the milch animals and increase milk production and to help rural milk producers achieve greater access to the organized milk processing sector. This scheme is being implemented by National Dairy Development Board through milk co-operatives and state agencies. Private dairy sector has been excluded from the implementation currently.

This scheme was initially launched for 14 states which account for 90% of India’s milk production. These states are Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. In June 2015, the union government included three more states viz. Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, thus making this scheme available in 17 states currently.

Under this scheme, all funds come from central government and used for three different components viz. Productivity Enhancement, Village based milk procurement systems and Project Management and Learning.

Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme

This is a credit linked subsidy scheme of government to promote the setting up of modern dairy farms. The applicant / entrepreneur has to make arrangement for minimum 10% of the total money needed for setting up a modern dairy farm. For rest, the government provides 25% capital subsidy (33.33% for SC/ST) and remaining amount is provided as loan (minimum 40%) by the Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Urban Banks. The nodal implementation agency for this scheme is NABARD.

National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development

This programme was launched by the union government in February 2014 after merging four erstwhile schemes on the same subject with a Rs. 1800 crore outlay in 12th plan period. The objective of this scheme is to integrate the milk production and dairying activities in a scientific and holistic manner for attaining higher levels of milk production and productivity, to meet the increasing demand for milk in the country. This scheme has two components viz. National Programme for Bovine Breeding (NPBB) and National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD). The NPBB focuses on Field Artificial Insemination (Al) Net work; conservation of indigenous breeds and establishment of breeders’ associations and societies to encourage conservation and development of recognized indigenous breeds. For artificial insemination, this component focuses on establishment / appointments of some 5000 MAITRI. MAITRI stands for Multi-purpose AI Technician in Rural India. These MAITRIs will deliver the breeding inputs at doorstep.

Another component NPDD focuses on developing infrastructure at the grassroots by providing financial and technical assistance for production, procurement, processing and marketing by milk unions/federations and also extension activities including training of farmers.

Rastriya Gokul Mission

The Union Government has also launched Rashtriya Gokul Mission under the same programme for conservation and development of indigenous breeds in a focused and scientific manner. Under this mission, government plans to establish integrated cattle development centres “Gokul Grams” to develop indigenous breeds including up to 40% nondescript breeds.

Livestock Census

Livestock Census is done every five years since 1919. Last Livestock census (19th) was done in 2012 and next one (20th) is to be done in 2017. The official report is located here and key data is located here.

National Livestock Mission (NLM)

The NDA Government has launched National Livestock Mission (NLM) from 2014-15 to ensure quantitative and qualitative improvement in livestock production systems and capacity building of all stakeholders of livestock economy. This mission has four sub-missions focussing on Fodder, Livestock, Piggery in North East India and Skill development / extension.  One of the biggest issues of the livestock sector is animal diseases such as FMD, PPR, Brucellosis, Avian Influenza etc. The National Livestock Mission has also special emphasis on such diseases. Under this, the Government has launched Foot and Mouth Disease Control Programme (FMD-CP) and other such programmes in this direction.

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