Describe critically those features of the city of Jaipur and of the architecture of the palace of Suraj Mal at Deeg on account of which E.B. Havell thinks that the modern Rajput architecture began in the second quarter of the eighteenth century.

According to E B Havell, modern Rajput architecture may be said to have begun with the building of the city of Jaipur in 1728. The plan of the city of Jaipur is especially interesting at a time when town planning was regarded as a recent invention of European science. This city was laid out at its foundation on a scientific plan according to the traditions of Hindu city builders and the direction of their canonical books called the silpa-sastras.
The palace of Suraj Mal at Deeg, the capital of Bharatpur state, was commenced in his lifetime about 1725 AD. The principal block, Gopala Bhawan was finished about 1750 AD. It combines the elegance of Shah Jahan’s palaces with the more robust character of Rajput architecture and being better adapted to the amenities of modern life than the earlier fortress-palaces of Rajputana. It contains the great Diwan-i-am or public reception-hall, which faces the garden front in the south. The terraced roof is given more than its usual importance as a place of promenade in the cool of the evening by the omission of domes and cupolas and by being extended on all four sides beyond the walls of the building by a bracketed parapet of pierced stone-work. The combination of this parapet with the usual wide drip-stone beneath it, which protects the walls from rain and sun, formed the strikingly characteristic cornice of the whole building

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