How the IPDS, DDUGJY and UDAY schemes are different from each other? Discuss their objectives in power sector of India.

IPDS, DDUGJY and UDAY are 3 schemes launched by Modi government in the power sector.
IPDS (Integrated Power Development Scheme) is basically a new avatar of R-APDRP scheme in which funds are provided for reduction of AT&C losses, upgradation of infrastructure, IT based billing and auditing system and collection efficiency. Under this scheme, all discoms including private ones are eligible to get government support. Power Finance Corporation is nodal agency for this scheme.
DDUGJY (Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana) focuses on feeder separation forrural households and agricultural purpose. The idea is that if household lines and agricultural lines are separated, it’s possible to provide 24 hours electricity in villages.
UDAY (Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana) is basically a debt restructuring plan for discoms. This is a novel scheme and has potential to change the fate of power sector in India.

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