Rajya Sabha Chairman and Deputy Chairman

The presiding officers of Rajya Sabha are the Chairman and Deputy Chairman. While Vice President of India serves as ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha; the day to day meetings are presided by Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha.

Election of Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha

The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha is elected by the Rajya Sabha members from amongst themselves. Whenever the office of the Deputy Chairman falls vacant, the Rajya Sabha members would elect  another member to fill the vacancy.

To remain in office, the Deputy Chairman needs to remain a member of Rajya Sabha. He needs to vacate the seat if he loses the Rajya Sabha membership for whatsoever reasons. He can resign from the office by giving in writing to the Vice-President. He can also be removed by a resolution by Rajya Sabha members passed by absolute majority {majority of full membership of house}. When such resolution is under consideration, Deputy Chairman cannot preside over a sitting of the House, but he may be present and participate in proceedings.

Deputy Chairman’s functions as Chairman

In certain circumstances, the Deputy Chairman works as Chairman of Rajya Sabha. For example, if Vice-President is elected as President or is discharging his functions as President due to unavailability of the later, Deputy Chairman works as Chairman of Rajya Sabha.

Casting Vote

Both chairman and Deputy chairman in Rajya Sabha exercise the casting vote when a tie occurs in voting in Rajya Sabha. The Deputy Chairman cannot exercise the casting vote when a resolution for his removal is under consideration of the house.

Is Deputy Chairman subordinate to Chairman?

Deputy Chairman is not subordinate to the Chairman and he is directly responsible to the Rajya Sabha.

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