What was Dikie Bird Plan?

The cabinet Mission plan of 1946 had recommended undivided India and turned down the Muslim league’s demand for a separate Pakistan. Muslim League had rejected this plan and refused to participate in the Interim Government. It celebrated 16th August 1946 as “Direct Action Day” which led to Hindu Muslim Riots. However when , the Interim government was formed by Jawahar Lal Nehru , Muslim league nominated 5 members to strengthen its position in the administration.
In February 1947, the British government made a decision to leave India by June 1948. On March 27, 1947 Muslim League observed Pakistan Day, which resulted in riots, massacre and atrocities. The Interim government failed in controlling the riots, and later uselessness of opposition of demand for a separate Pakistan by the Muslim league was realized by the leaders of the Interim Government Including Nehru.
Lord Mountbatten came to India in February 1947. Mr. VP Menon, an ICS Officer who later drafted proposal for Partition of India , provided him considerable help in analyzing the current situation.
Before he presented the June Plan, Mountbatten prepared a “Dickie Bird Plan” for India’s independence. The main proposal of this plan was to that provinces should become first independent successor states rather than a Indian Union or the two dominions of India & Pakistan.
As per this plan all the provinces viz. Madras, Bombay, United Provinces of Bengal, Punjab & North West Frontier etc. were proposed to be declared Independent. The states later would decide whether to join constituent assembly or not.
This plan was not discussed in details with leaders of India and Mountbatten discussed just informally. He gave the plan a final touch and sent to London. Later when he moved to Shimla, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru joined him as a guest . Here the details of the plan were put by Mountbatten before Nehru. Nehru rejected the plan right away and told him that this plan would invite Balkanization of India and would provoke conflict and violence.
Consequently, Mountbatten cabled to England that this plan was cancelled.

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