Olive Ridley Turtles Nesting at Rushikulya River

The Olive Ridley turtles are an endangered species known for their unique mass nesting behaviour, termed “arribada.” In 2024, these turtles skipped the Rushikulya river mouth in Odisha, nesting site. However, experts predict a larger number of nesting this year. The Rushikulya river mouth is one of the primary rookeries in India, alongside Gahirmatha and the Deve river mouth.

Mass Nesting Behaviour

  • Olive Ridley turtles typically nest every three years.
  • This pattern was observed in previous years when mass nesting was absent.
  • In 2023, a record 637,000 turtles nested along a three-kilometre stretch.
  • This indicates a potential rebound in nesting numbers following a skipped year.

Current Conditions and Predictions

Experts note favourable climatic conditions for mating turtles in the Bay of Bengal. The presence of many mating pairs suggests that nesting event is imminent. The expected mass nesting is likely to occur in the third week of February, aligning with previous years.

Environmental Factors

The Rushikulya river did not flood this year, preventing beach erosion. A new sandbar has emerged, providing additional space for nesting. These environmental factors contribute positively to the nesting prospects for the Olive Ridley turtles.

Government Initiatives

To protect the nesting turtles, fishing has been banned within a 20-kilometre radius from November 1 to May 31. This measure aims to create a safe environment for the turtles during their nesting period. Additionally, the beach has been cleaned and fenced to prevent disturbances.

Monitoring and Research Efforts

The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) has tagged around 15,000 turtles since 2021. This initiative aims to monitor their behaviour, nesting patterns, and life cycle. Recapturing tagged turtles during mating seasons will provide valuable data for ongoing research.



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