Women In Space Leadership Programme Launched By DST

The Department of Science and Technology (DST), in partnership with the British Council, has launched the Women in Space Leadership Programme (WiSLP) as part of the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI). This programme is designed to encourage more women to take leadership roles in the field of space sciences and aims to create a more inclusive environment for women in scientific research and innovation.

What is the Aim of WiSLP?

The main goal of the WiSLP is to create a framework that helps women become leaders in space sciences. By supporting women in scientific research, it hopes to break down barriers and make the space sector more gender-inclusive.

Coventry University is a key partner in the programme, helping to put the plan into action. The university is responsible for implementing activities and reaching out to participants.

Expert Opinions

Experts involved in the programme have highlighted its importance:

  • Vandana Singh, who leads the WISE-KIRAN division at DST, believes that the programme will empower women and give them the tools they need to succeed in space sciences.
  • Michael Houlgate from the British Council emphasized the importance of collaboration between countries to solve global challenges. He also highlighted the need to increase the number of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Who is the Programme For?

The programme is aimed at 250 early-career researchers, focusing on helping them overcome gender biases and create a strong network of support in the scientific community.

Workshops will be conducted as part of the programme, where academics and policymakers will discuss ways to promote gender equality in space sciences, both within India and internationally. These discussions will help shape policies and practices that support women in the field.

Future Goals

One of the long-term goals of the initiative is to build sustainable mentoring networks that will continue to support women in space sciences. Additionally, it seeks to bring more gender perspectives into key areas like astrophysics and telecommunications, enhancing innovation by considering diverse viewpoints. Experts like Prof. Annapurni Subramaniyam encourage more women to get involved in space science early in their careers, as it is a rapidly growing field with opportunities in various disciplines.



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