Tamil Nadu Unveils Cyber Security Policy 2.0

The Tamil Nadu Government introduced Cyber Security Policy 2.0 to replace the older version from 2020. This updated policy provides clear guidelines for protecting the government’s digital systems and ensuring their safety. It focuses on making sure that the government’s digital infrastructure, including IT systems and data, is well-protected.

Key Objectives

The main goals of the policy are to protect the government’s information assets from cyber threats and ensure that IT systems used by the government and its citizens are always available and running smoothly. Also set up a monitoring system to keep track of the IT infrastructure, making sure it works well and securely.

This policy applies to all state government departments and public sector units in Tamil Nadu. Third-party organizations, like contractors, suppliers, and consultants, work with the government.

Essential Components

The policy highlights several security measures, including using e-signatures or digital signatures to verify documents, ensuring email and password security to prevent unauthorized access, and implementing a social media policy to control what is shared on platforms. Creating backup and recovery plans to protect important data. Conducting regular information security audits to check for vulnerabilities in the system.

Incident Management and Training

Each department must:

  • Nominate officials who will work with the Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in case of a cyber attack.
  • Ensure that their staff receives annual training on how to manage and respond to cyber incidents effectively.

Data Backup Requirements

Departments are required to:

  • Securely store backed-up data in multiple locations to ensure its safety.
  • Test the backup data regularly to confirm that it is correct and complete.

What About Risk Assessment?

A detailed risk assessment needs to be conducted to evaluate the importance and sensitivity of the applications and assets being used and Identify possible risks and the effects of any cyber compromise.



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