Government launches ASH TRACK mobile app for Fly Ash management

Ministry of Power has launched Web based monitoring System and Fly Ash mobile application named ASH TRACK. It was launched by Minister of State (IC) for Power and New & Renewable Energy R.K Singh in New Delhi.
These platforms will enable better management of fly ash produced by thermal power plants by providing interface between ash producers (thermal power plants) and potential ash users such as –cement plants, road contractors etc.


The app shows coal based power plants situated within radius of 100 km and 300 km from a given location. It will allow user to select power station from where he wants to take fly ash. It will also show ash availability, distance from user’s location.
It will help power plants to see location of prospective fly ash users surrounding it like – cement plants, NHAI, contractors of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) projects, brick producers, etc. The app will give plant wise, utility wise and state wise fly ash utilization status in the country and  also details of ash generation and utilization in real time.


It will allow effective monitoring and reviewing for increasing fly ash utilization. It will help in protecting environment in terms of reduction in fugitive emissions, saving of precious top soil and conservation of land for sustainable development.

Fly ash

Fly ash is end product of combustion during process of power generation in the coal based thermal power plants. Fly ash is proven resource material for many applications of construction industries and is used in manufacturing of Portland Cement, road embankment construction, bricks/blocks/tiles manufacturing and low lying area development, etc.

Fly ash management

Quality-wise Indian coal has much more ash content than other countries. Diverse approaches must be adopted for fly ash management. It includes washing coal at its place of origin will prevent ash from coming to power plant. Promoting R&D for increasing efficiency of power plants will also help in reducing ash generation. Proper management of fly ash is important for environment and also for power plants as it occupies a lot of land space. At present, 63% of the fly ash is being utilised.


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