Cabinet approves putting ILO recommendation before Parliament

Cabinet approves placing new recommendation adopted by International Labour Organization (ILO) concerning “The Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience (Recommendation No-205) before Parliament.

Key Facts

The Recommendation No.-205 was adopted at 106th Session of International Labour Conference of ILO in Geneva in June, 2015. India also had supported the adoption of Recommendation. Its adoption and placing for information of Parliament does not create any immediate obligation on countries. ILO Recommendations are non-binding instrument which seeks to serve as guiding principle for national policy process.

Recommendation No-205

It is applicable to all workers and jobseekers and employers in all sectors of economy affected by crisis situations arising from conflicts and disasters and to workers engaged in crisis response. It provides guidance on measures to be taken to generate employment and decent work for purposes of prevention, recovery, peace and resilience with respect to crisis situations arising from conflicts and disasters.
It emphasizes need to ensure respect all human rights and rule of law, including respect for fundamental principles and rights at work. It calls adhering to international labour standards in particular those rights and principles relevant to employment and decent work. It affirms need to develop and strengthen measures of social protection, as a means of preventing crises, enabling recovery and building resilience.

Obligations on members

Member states should adopt phased multi-track approach implementing coherent and comprehensive strategies for promoting peace, preventing crises, enabling recovery and building resilience. The approach must include promoting local economic recovery for employment and decent work opportunities and socio-economic reintegration, social protection and social inclusion, sustainable development.
It also calls for creation of sustainable enterprises in particular small and medium-sized enterprises and ensures consultation and encourage active participation of employers’ and workers’ organizations in planning, implementing and monitoring measures for recovery and resilience.

International Labour Organization (ILO)

The ILO is United Nations agency dealing with labour issues, particularly international labour standards, social protection, and work opportunities for all. It was established in 1919 as an agency of the League of Nations and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. India is a founder member of the ILO. At present, it has 187 members.
The principal means of action in the ILO is the setting up of International standards in the form of Conventions, Recommendations and Protocol. So far, India has ratified 45 Conventions, out of which 42 are in force. Out of these 4 are Core or Fundamental or Conventions.


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