All Doctors in India to Receive Unique Identification Numbers on National Medical Register

In a significant development, all doctors practicing in India will soon receive a unique identification number as part of the National Medical Register. This centralized system is expected to be rolled out by the end of the next year, providing a dynamic platform for doctors to update their qualifications, fellowships, and courses. The National Medical Register aims to enhance transparency and accountability in the medical profession. Patients and stakeholders will have the ability to verify the credentials of their doctors through this centralized repository.

Pilot Assessment System

To prepare for the launch of the National Medical Register, a pilot assessment system has been conducted in eight colleges across the country, including four private and four government institutions. The National Medical Commission (NMC) is currently in the process of consulting assessors and other stakeholders to finalize the implementation process.

Functionality of the Unique ID

The unique identification number for doctors will serve as a comprehensive repository of their professional information. Similar to a bank account, this ID will store details such as qualifications, fellowships, and other pertinent data. Different stakeholders, including the NMC, employing institutions, medical colleges, and the public, will have varying levels of access to this data based on their specific needs.

Streamlining Verification

The implementation of this IT-based platform with verified information is expected to simplify the process of verifying doctors’ credentials for colleges and employers. It will facilitate a more efficient and transparent system for assessing the qualifications of medical professionals.

Pilot Testing and Licensing

The National Medical Commission plans to conduct a pilot test of the IT platform over the next six months. Additionally, the new register will enable doctors to obtain licenses to practice in multiple states, offering greater flexibility. This modernized system will replace the existing Indian Medical Register, which relies on data from state medical councils.

Comprehensive Information on the Register

The National Medical Register will include crucial details such as registration number, date of registration, place of work, medical qualifications, specialization, university of qualification, and the year of passing. Doctors will be required to update their registration every five years to ensure accuracy and relevance.



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