HPCL Tests E27 Fuel

Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL) has embarked on an ambitious pilot study, becoming the first Oil Marketing Company in India to conduct comprehensive research on vehicles utilizing E27 fuel and Ethanol Blended Diesel Fuel. This initiative aligns with the ethanol blending roadmap outlined by the Indian government, which aims to achieve 20% Ethanol Blended Gasoline (E20) by 2023 and ensure its widespread availability.

Advancing Ethanol Blending

The ethanol blending roadmap in India sets forth a clear vision for a greener and more sustainable future. By April 2023, the roadmap proposes the introduction of E20 material-compliant and E10 engine-tuned vehicles, signaling a significant shift toward ethanol blending. This endeavor supports the government’s goal of reducing carbon emissions and promoting cleaner fuels.

Promising Emissions Reduction

Preliminary studies on vehicles fueled with E27 have demonstrated noteworthy reductions in emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, compared to traditional gasoline. HPCL’s pilot study on E27 fuel aims to assess its performance and emissions in engines and vehicles through extended mileage accumulation. Passenger cars will undergo trials with a target mileage accumulation of 20,000 km, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of the fuel’s efficiency and environmental impact.

Compliance with Fuel Specifications

The ethanol trials conducted by HPCL will strictly adhere to IS 1460:2017 fuel specifications, ensuring the quality and compatibility of the fuel. These trials will further contribute to understanding the efficacy of E27 fuel and its potential for widespread adoption in the transportation sector.

Continuing the Ethanol Blending Program

India’s ethanol blending program has set its sights on achieving 27% blending, surpassing the milestone of E20 fuel. This progressive approach reflects the commitment to reducing dependency on fossil fuels and embracing cleaner alternatives. HPCL’s pilot study on E27 fuel is a stepping stone toward this ambitious target.

HPCL’s Success with E20 Fuel

In February of this year, HPCL successfully launched E20 fuel across 23 retail outlets in India. With a current presence of 350 E20 outlets across 21 states, the company has already made substantial progress in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To date, the use of E20 fuel has resulted in a reduction of approximately 3000 MT of GHG emissions. These numbers highlight the significant environmental impact of transitioning to ethanol-blended fuels.



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