What is CL-Flam?

IIT Indore, NASA-Caltech, and Sweden’s University of Gothenburg have collaborated to develop a low-cost camera setup called CL-Flam, which can revolutionize scientific imaging. This device has the capability of capturing multispectral images of four chemical species in a flame using a single DSLR camera, unlike the previous complex system that required four cameras. Now, the international team is looking to explore the device’s applications in biomedical imaging, ultrafast imaging, multidimensional, and other advanced studies.

Improvement in Combustion Engines

The primary objective of this research was to study the combustion of fuels and improve the efficiency of engines and burners while reducing carbon emissions. The elements released due to fuel combustions in industrial burners and engines can be studied by analysing the images captured by the CL-Flam device. Such analyses will help companies make necessary improvements in engines and burners to ensure optimum and environment-friendly use of fuels during combustion.


The structured illumination method has been used by the researchers to achieve the simultaneous imaging of multiple species. It enables imaging of low-intensity species like CH* using a DSLR camera, which typically requires intensified CCD cameras.

Market Launch

The smart camera will be launched in the market through a start-up, providing a low-cost, effective, and environmentally friendly solution for combustion analysis. The device will be beneficial to industries dealing with fuel combustion and emissions.



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