The Silence Breakers named as Times Person of the Year for 2017

Time magazine has named ‘the silence breakers’ as its Person of the Year for 2017. It was referring to those individuals, mostly women, who came forward this year with #MeToo movement to publicly expose patterns of sexual harassment and assault by powerful public figures in United States.
Those recognized by Time range from famous actresses who took on disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein to ordinary women who shared their stories of abuse using hashtag #MeToo. One of figures singled out by Time magazine is Ashley Judd was first actress to come forward on record to make accusations against Weinstein.
Sexual harassment has always been a glaring and disturbing reality across the world. The online movement with hashtag had showed that how two simple words on social media can help to create revolution by unburdening millions of women, men and transgenders of the secret they had withheld.

Time Magazine’s ‘Person of the Year’

The Person of the Year is an annual honour bestowed by the Times magazine. It was started in 1927. Every year it is announced in month of December. It is given to person who is most influenced in the news during the year and is chosen for better or worse cases in the news.


  1. Dr. Cajetan Coelho

    December 13, 2017 at 1:37 pm

    It is empowerment. Breaking silence is the way forward. Competition to harass is a disease. It is spreading in different parts of the world.

  2. Dr. Cajetan Coelho

    December 13, 2017 at 1:37 pm

    It is empowerment. Breaking silence is the way forward. Competition to harass is a disease. It is spreading in different parts of the world.


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