World Happiness Report 2023

The annual World Happiness Report, published by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, has just been released, and it reveals that Finland remains the happiest country in the world for the sixth consecutive year. The report is based on data from the main life evaluation question in the Gallup World Poll, which measures how happy citizens perceive themselves to be.

Top 10 Countries in the World Happiness Report

The report ranked the top 10 happiest countries, with Finland in the lead followed by Denmark, Iceland, Israel, and the Netherlands. Other European countries such as Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, and Luxembourg also made the top 10. New Zealand was the only non-European country to make it to the top 10. The rankings are based on a range of factors such as social support, life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity, and perceptions of corruption.

India’s Position in the World Happiness Report

India’s position in the World Happiness Report has improved from 136 to 126, although it is still behind its neighboring countries such as Nepal, China, and Bangladesh. Despite having the world’s fastest-growing economy, India’s ranking in the report has consistently been low, leading some to question how it can be ranked lower than countries in turmoil.

Russia and Ukraine in the World Happiness Report

Despite the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, both countries rank higher than India in the World Happiness Report, with Russia ranked 70th and Ukraine ranked 92nd. The report indicates that both countries experienced increased levels of kindness in 2020 and 2021, but in 2022, Ukraine saw a sharp rise in benevolence while it declined in Russia.

The World’s Least Happy Countries

The World Happiness Report also highlights the least happy countries, with Afghanistan ranking as the unhappiest country out of the 137 nations surveyed. The report also highlighted other nations such as Lebanon, Zimbabwe, and the Democratic Republic of Congo as being among the unhappiest countries, largely due to factors such as high levels of corruption and low life expectancy.

About the World Happiness Report

The World Happiness Report is a comprehensive analysis of happiness levels across the world based on various criteria, including both domestic and global factors. The report gauges happiness based on feedback from a nationally representative sample of individuals regarding their current life satisfaction levels. The first report was published in 2012 and has been released annually since then, typically in March.



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