Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana – Update (March, 2023)

The Union Health Minister recently announced that 9,082 Janaushadhi Kendras are being operated under the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP). The target is to increase the numbers to 10,000 by December 2023. The Indian government launched PMBJP in November 2008 to provide quality generic medicines at affordable prices to everyone. This initiative involves opening Janaushadhi Kendras across India that offer affordable generic drugs and surgical items.

What is Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana?

PMBJP is implemented by the Pharma & Medical Bureau of India (PMBI), which was formerly known as the Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India (BPPI). The program aims to raise awareness about generic medicines and create employment opportunities by encouraging entrepreneurs to open PMBJP Kendras. Over the years, it has helped the economically marginalized access affordable medicines without compromising on quality.

What is the role of NABL in PMBJP?

The NABL select and approve laboratories to test the quality of medicines supplied under the scheme. These laboratories test the safety and efficacy of the medicines before they are sent to these Kendras. They check if the medicines are to the standards provided by the GoI. The medicines are sent to these stores from the warehouses of BPPI.

What is the role of BPPI in PMBJP?

The BPPI is the Bureau of Pharma Public sector undertaking of India. It operates under the Department of Pharmaceuticals. It procures and supplies the drugs to the Jan Aushadhi Stores.

The objective of PMBJP: To reduce the health care budget of Indian citizens by providing generic medicines

What are generic medicines?

Generic medicines are the equivalents. Say a company invented medicine A to cure disease B. The company will patent medicine A and will earn the selling rights of A. For a stipulated period of time, no other company shall create or sell medicine A in the market. After a certain time period, the other companies can work on medicine A, learn its formula and manufacture it. The same medicine A produced by other manufacturers is called generic medicine.



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