Prime Minister’s Ten Point Agenda on Disaster Risk Reduction

Disasters can result in significant loss of life, property and assets. Therefore, it is essential to have a comprehensive approach to disaster risk management to minimize the impacts of disasters. The Prime Minister of India has outlined a ten-point agenda on disaster risk reduction to ensure that all sectors of development are prepared to face disasters.

  1. Integrating disaster risk management in development:

The approach of disaster risk reduction must be incorporated into all development schemes to reduce the risks of disasters. Development must focus on reducing disaster risks instead of creating them.

  1. Risk coverage for all

Disaster risk management must cover everyone, including poor households, small and medium enterprises, multinational corporations, and nation-states. The government has already taken some steps to provide financial inclusion and risk insurance to the poorest through schemes like Jan Dhan Yojana, Suraksha Bima Yojana, and Fasal Bima Yojana.

  1. Women’s leadership in disaster risk management

Encouraging greater involvement and leadership of women in disaster risk management is crucial to support their special needs in disasters. Women can play a significant role in reducing disaster risks at the household, society, community, and beyond.

  1. Investing in global risk mapping

Disasters do not respect borders, so it is essential to have a better understanding of disaster risks at a global level. Multi-hazard risk assessments and developing hazard maps in a standardized format can facilitate disaster risk reduction.

  1. Leveraging technology for disaster risk management

Technology can enhance the efficiency of disaster risk management efforts by enabling resource planning, expertise mapping, and early warning systems.

  1. Network of universities on disaster-related issues

Developing a network of universities and academic institutions that specialize in multi-disciplinary research on disaster issues can contribute to disaster risk reduction.

  1. Utilizing social media and mobile technologies

Social media and mobile technologies offer opportunities to develop a social media strategy for disaster risk management and improve communication in disasters.

  1. Building local capacities for disaster risk reduction

Disaster management must build on local capabilities and initiatives to reduce risks and create opportunities for local development and sustainable livelihoods.

  1. Learning from disasters

After every disaster, it is important to undertake research studies to understand best practices and improve disaster governance.

  1. Greater cohesion in international response

Disasters can have huge impacts, so it is important to have a coordinated and unified international response. International forums and protocols can be used for effective and coordinated disaster response.

Disaster risk reduction is a crucial aspect of development. The Prime Minister’s ten-point agenda outlines a comprehensive approach to disaster risk management in India, ensuring that all sectors are prepared to face disasters.

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