PGIMER Recruitment 2018 for Medical Physicist, Security Guard and Other Posts
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh is willing to hire Indian nationals on various Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts. The total number of posts is 45 and the post-wise breakup is given below. The last date to submit the applications is 16th August 2018. All the other important information about the recruitment like pay-scale, educational requirements etc. are mentioned in the notification, the link for which is given at the end of the post. The applications have to be submitted online,the link for which is given below.
About the Vacancies
The total vacancies for this recruitment is as follows:
Group A
- Blood Transfusion Officer: 01
- Assistant Blood Transfusion Officer: 01
- Medical Physicist (Radiotherapy): 01
- Vocational Rehabilitation Instructor: 01
Group B
- Computer Programmer: 02
- Museum Curator: 01
- Assistant Clinical Psychologist: 03
- Transplant Coordinator: 02
- Occupational Therapist: 04
- Auditory Verbal Therapist: 01
- Junior Technician (Lab): 02
Group C
- Operation Theatre Assistant: 10
- Ear Mould Technician: 01
- Assistant Manager (Canteen): 01
- Staff Car Driver Ordinary Grade: 07
- Male Multipurpose Worker: 01
- Conductor Grade-II: 01
- Security Guard Grade-II: 05
Age Limit:
The age limit for this recruitment is as follows:
- Candidate’s age should be between 18 and 35 years
Last Date
The last date for this recruitment is as follows:
- 16th August 2018
Official Links
Following are the official links for this recruitment is as follows:
- Official Notification Click Here
- Apply Online Click Here