What are the advantages of compressed biogas? How will it help to achieve twin goals of becoming energy self-sufficient and increase farmers income?

Asia’s largest Compressed BioGas (CBG) plant has been opened up in Punjab recently. It is a step in achieving the objectives under the government’s SATAT (Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation) scheme.

Compressed Biogas (CBG):

  • It is a mixture of various hydrocarbon gases, produced by decomposition of animal and plant waste, consisting mainly of Methane. It is further processed and compressed for use as fuel.
  • It is chemically similar to CNG, and hence can be used to replace CNG as transportation fuel.
  • Biogas is produced through anaerobic decomposition of biomass.
  • It contains upto 60% methane and other impurities. In pure form, it contains 90% methane.
  • The byproducts in its production process can be used as bio-manure. Hence, it can reduce the dependence on chemical fertilizers.


  • CBG and its by-products can create a circular economy.
  • It will help to empower farmers by supporting the rural economy.
  • Boost India’s domestic energy production and make it self-sufficient.
  • Help to reduce the air pollution because of lower life cycle carbon emission as compared to diesel.
  • Agricultural waste reduction and curbing stubble burning.

The focus on CBG will help in arriving at a win-win situation for farmers and the environment.

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