Discuss the importance of decarbonizing the Indian iron and steel sector. How can Indian steel be made future ready?

The iron and steel industry is one of the most important industries in today’s world. The growth and development of a nation is not possible without the contribution of the sector. However, this industry is also one of the prime contributors of carbon dioxide emission.

  • India is the world’s second largest steel producer followed by China and India plans to triple its production capacity by 2030.
  • Also, India has committed to become carbon neutral by 2070.
  • So there is an urgent need to decarbonise the steel sector in order to achieve the carbon neutral status without compromising the development in the steel sector.

Ways for decarbonisation:

  • Carbon capture – The carbon emissions can be captured during the process and sold back into the market.
  • The captured carbon dioxide can be used to create building material.
  • Use of syngas – It is a product formed by coal gasification and is more efficient than direct combustion of coal.
  • Use of green hydrogen – Green hydrogen is renewable and non-polluting, however there is a need to reduce the cost of green hydrogen production.
  • Use of natural gas instead of coal. However the global supply of natural gas is reduced due to the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
  • Use of solar energy.
  • Reuse and recycling of steel scrap.

The projected growth of steel demand in the upcoming future will have a huge energy, environmental and economic consequences. Therefore, adoption of energy efficient methods and decarbonising the steel sector is imperative.

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