Identifying the factors responsible for formation of tides, discuss their geographical and economic significance.
Tides are type of natural coastal phenomena that cause a regular surge and dip in ocean water levels on coasts.
Types of tides:
- Based on diurnal frequency – Diurnal, semi diurnal and mixed.
- Based on time interval – spring tide and neap tide.
Factors responsible:
- Position and gravitation of moon.
- Position and gravitation of sun.
- Centrifugal force on earth.
- Inertial force of water mass.
Geographic significance:
- Indicate a storm surge.
- Aid in determining celestial body orientations.
- Renew coastal waters and nutrients.
Economic importance:
- Bring distant fish for fishermen.
- Helps in tapping tidal energy.
- Aid desalination plants and coastal tourism.
Thus, tides have a multifarious significance.