The problem of trafficking of women and children is huge in India, highlight the factors behind it and steps taken in recent times to combat it.

Trafficking is a crime under IPC in which people, especially women and children, are transported from one region to another illegally for exploitation.

Factors that contribute to trafficking:

  1. Social factors
    • poverty
    • Poor socio-economic conditions.
  2. Economic factors
    • Lack of alternate employment opportunities.
  3. Political factors
    • Limited awareness of rights.
    • Lack of proper framework and policy to deal with trafficking.
    • Laws have become old and organic.
  4. Administrative factors
    • Not sensitive to people reporting trafficking.
    • Corruption and maladministration.
    • Nexus between police and traffickers.
  5. International factors
    • Porous borders.
    • Strategic position of India between Golden triangle and Crescent.

Steps taken:

  1. Anti-trafficking act enacted in the Parliament will create an institutional mechanism to fight trafficking.
  2. Border projects like CIBMS, smart border fencing projects.
  3. Counter operations across the border with the help of army of other countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, etc.
  4. Immoral traffic prevention act 1986 – This law comprehensively deals with anti-trafficking, but it has become outdated.
  5. Rescue and rehabilitation scheme.

Article 23 of the Constitution prohibits trafficking and forced labour. To ensure this fundamental right, the efforts of the state need to be strengthened.

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