Tablighi Jamaat

The Tablighi Jamaat is a Sunni Islamic missionary movement. It was banned by Saudi Arabia in December 2021. The country claimed that the organisation is one of the gates of terrorism.

About Tablighi Jammat

  • The movement focuses on encouraging the Muslims to practice Islam as per Prophet Muhammad. They stress only on matters of personal behaviour, dress and rituals.
  • The organisation has 350 to 400 million followers world-wide. The majority of its followers are living in south Asia.
  • It was established by Sufi Muhammad Ilyas al – Kandhlawi in the Mewat region of India.

What are the teachings of Tablighi Jammat?

The movement aims at spiritual reformation. The teachings of Tablighi Jammat are expressed in six principles. They are as follows:

  • Kalimah: Declaration of Faith
  • Salah: Prayer
  • Ilm – o – zikr: Reading and remembrance
  • Ikramm – e – Muslim: Respect for Muslim
  • Ikhlas – e – Niyyat: Sincerity of Intention
  • Dawat – O – Tableegh: Proselytizaton

Is Tablighi Jammat involved in Politics?

The group claims that it is not involved in politics. And that It is only involved in study of Quran and the Hadith and the sacred scriptures of Isla. However, there are accusations that they are maintaining political links. The US Government is closely monitoring Tablighi Jammat since 2001.

Hotspot of COVID-19

During the pandemic, the Tablighi Jammat became a COVID-19 hotspot in 4 countries. They are Malaysia, India, Pakistan and Indonesia. During the pandemic, the movement arranged for gathering in these four countries. And hundreds of COVID-19 cases were linked to these gathering.

Tablighi Jammat on women

The movement encourages women to stay home. They promote a life of segregation between female and male. However in 1996, the movement started to accept the participation of women. The first jammt of women was formed in Nizamuddin, New Delhi.

Criticisms against the movement

The movement is seldom criticised for being retrogressive. The women in the movement observe complete hijab. For this the movement is accused of keeping women strictly subservient and second string.

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