Zero Emission Vehicle Transition Council

The zero-emission vehicles transition Council (ZEVTC) was formed in 2020. The main objective of the council is to accelerate the Global transition towards zero-emission vehicles. The council consists of government Representatives and other representatives from the world’s largest Automotive markets.

About zero-emission medical transportation Council

The council focuses on increasing the political cooperation on transition towards zero-emission vehicles. The council brings together different governments and the automotive markets. The council was formed in 2020. It was the first world political forum represented by governments and automotive markets. As of 2021, there are 8.5 million zero emission vehicles on road globally. The council aims to increase this.

What are the key decisions of the council in 2021?

The Council recently met at the COP26.  During the meet the Council decided on the following:

  • Promoting charging infrastructure
    • The council is to launch a task force of energy network providers, automotive manufacturers
  • Fuel efficiency standards and regulations
    • The council decided to share the best practices of effective standards and regulations
    • Through this, the council aims to mobilise investment and bring down the cost
  • Transition and Technology choices for zero emission heavy duty vehicles
    • Under this, the council is to understand the role of carbon dioxide
  • ensuring if the zero emission vehicles transmission is truly global

India at the Council

At COP26, India participated in the fourth ministerial dialogue of ZEVTC. During its participation India launched the e – Amrit portal. It accelerated e – mobility revolution for India’s transportation. The portal created awareness about electric mobility in India. It was jointly developed by UK Government and Niti Aayog.

What is the need for the Council?

Around 10% of global Greenhouse gas emissions are accounted by the road transport. The road transport emissions are increasing at faster rate as compared to the other transport sectors. Therefore, it is essential to increase the pace of transition in order to keep the limit of 1.5 degrees warming. Thus comes the need for the council.

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