Framework Agreement of Naga Peace Accord

The Naga Peace Accord was signed in 2015 between the Indian Government and the National Socialist Council of Nagaland. The agreement was signed to end insurgency in Nagaland.

What is Naga Peace Accord?

The Nagas never considered themselves as a part of British India. Thus, after independence, in 1947, they formed Naga National Council demanding for separate land. Naga Federal Government and Naga Federal Army  was formed in 1952. To this, the GoI enacted the Armed Forces Special Powers Act or AFSPA. In 1976, the Shillong Accord was signed. In 1988, the NNC split based on two different tribes called Tangkhul tribe and Sema tribe. In 1997, the Nagas signed a ceasefire with the GoI. Later in 2015, the Nagas and GoI signed a framework agreement for Naga Peace Accord.

What are the recent issues in Naga Peace Accord?

The Framework Agreement is now a big hurdle in achieving Naga Peace Accord. The Framework Agreement was signed in 2015 between the two parties to finalize the accord. However, the interpretation of the Framework Agreement by the Naga group has created the hurdle. Because of this, the signing of the accord is held up. According to the Naga group, there are certain clauses on “sharing sovereign power”. This means that “The Nagas are different”. And the Nagas want these differences to be maintained. They are demanding for separate flag as well.

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