
Deusi-Bhailo are traditional songs that are sung during the festivals of Nepal, Assam, Darjeeling, Sikkim and also in other parts of India. The Deusi and Bhailo songs are mainly sung during Tihar (Diwali).

About Deusi-Bhailo

The children sing these songs while they visit to different homes in their community to collect money and sweet. The children given their blessings in return. These songs are sung during the five-day Tihar festival. Bhailo is generally sung by boys and Deusi is sung by girls. The woman of the house serves food to the kids at the end of the song.


According to Hinduism, Lord Vishnu allowed King Bali to visit Maitry Loka for five days. King Bali was the ruler of Patal Loka. The king was too proud about his kingdom. To show the king that Maitry Loka is better than Patal Loka, the gods put lights in Maitry Loka. This is celebrated as Tihar in Nepal and certain other parts of India.


The Bhailo and Deusi songs provide entertainment. It is usually sung in groups. The group is usually made of lead chanter or singer and a chorus group. The lead singer of the group grants blessings upon the owner of the house. They use minimal musical instruments. The entire programme lasts less than ten minutes. After that, the group moves to the next house. Usually, the programme is held on the third and fourth day of Tihar festival.

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