Telangana invited to participate in International Seed Conference

Telangana, in a rare recognition, has been invited to participate in a conference which will be held virtually by Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).


  • International Seed Conference is a two-day conference. It will be held on November 4 & November 5, 2021 in Rome.
  • The conference is being organised to discuss development of seed industry.
  • In the conference, Managing Director of Seed Corporation Dr. Keshavulu will address on ‘Quality Seed Production System: A success story of India: Telangana as a seed hub’.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

FAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It makes effort to defeat hunger and improve nutrition & food security. It was founded in October 1945. FAO comprises of 197 member states. Its headquarter is in Rome, Italy. The organisation also maintains regional & field offices across the world. It is operating in 130 countries.

Function of FAO

FAO help governments and development agencies to coordinate their activities in order to improve and develop fisheries, agriculture, forestry, and land & water resources. It also conducts research and provides technical assistance to projects and collects data on agricultural output, production & development.

Who governs the FAO?

FAO is governed by a biennial conference, that represents each member country and the European Union (EU). EU elects a 49-member executive council. Director-General serves as the chief administrative officer of FAO.

Funding to FAO

Regular Programme Budget of FAO is funded by its members, through contributions. Contributions are set at FAO Conference. This budget covers core technical work, Technical Cooperation Programme, knowledge exchange, policy & advocacy, governance & security as well as direction & administration.


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