Virtual Vesak Global Celebrations on Buddha Purnima

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed Virtual Vesak Global Celebrations on Buddha Purnima on May 26, 2021. Over 50 most prominent Buddhist religious leaders from across the world also addressed the virtual congregation.

About the event

Virtual Vesak Global Celebration on Buddha Purnima event was organised by Culture Ministry in collaboration with the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC).

About Vesak

It is also celebrated as Buddha Jayanti or Buddha Purnima. It is a holiday observed by Buddhists and Hindus across South and Southeast Asia including Tibet and Mongolia. This festival commemorates birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha in Theravada Tibetan Buddhism and Navayana.

Who was Gautama Buddha?

Gautama Buddha was the founder of world religion of Buddhism. He is revered by most Buddhist schools as a savior. He rediscovered an ancient path to release clinging & craving and to escape cycle of birth & rebirth. His teaching is based on insight into- arising of duḥkha and ending of duhkha. Once the duhkha ends, that stage is called Nirvana.


As per Buddhist tradition, Gautama Buddha was born in Lumbini (Now in Nepal) and raised in Kapilavastu. He obtained his enlightenment in Bodh Gaya under the Peepal Tree and delivered his first sermon in Sarnath.  He died in Kushinagar.


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