
Zebrafish whose scientific name is Danio Rerio is a species of fish found in freshwaters. Zebrafish is a native fish of South Asia and can be seen in aquariums. Recently, it has been found that studying about the hibernation process of the zebrafish can help scientists gather knowledge about how humans can be protected in space, especially during long flight to Mars.

Q1. What is meant by freshwater?

Any water body that has less than 1.05% salinity is known as freshwater. Freshwater is generally rivers and lakes, and those fishes that around in these water bodies are known as freshwater fishes.

Q2. Why is zebrafish important for scientific research purposes?

Since the genome of the zebrafish has been completely sequenced and they can be easily observed and tested upon, hence, they are said to be important for scientific research purposes.

Q3. Can zebrafish be used for medical research purposes?

Scientists have used zebrafish for medical research purposes for diseases like cancer, infectious diseases, repairing of retinal damage, diabetes, obesity, etc.

Q4. How can zebrafish help humans travelling in space?

In a study conducted by researchers from the Queen’s University in Belfast, they have demonstrated zebrafish are protected from radiation due to its hibernating process. By better understanding this process, scientists can develop mechanisms that can help humans in space travels.

Q5. What is the type of hibernation process of the zebrafish?

The zebrafish hibernation process that can help humans travel in space is known as Induced Torpor. This process lasts for less than a day and is a kind of suspended animation where the animal’s heartbeat, temperature, metabolism and breathing is significantly reduced.

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