UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 457

Consider the following medicine types:
  1. Sowa-Rigpa
  2. Ayurveda
  3. Siddha
  4. Unani
Which of the above have legal recognition among Indian Systems of Medicine under the Department of AYUSH?
Which of the following is/are used in the catalytic convertor to reduce the emission of nitrous oxides?
  1. Platinum
  2. Rhodium
  3. Palladium
Select the correct option from codes given below:
  Consider the following satellites:
  1. Kalpana-1
  2. INSAT-3D
  3. INSAT-3DR
Which of the above has/have been placed exclusively for providing weather services?
Which among the following would you suggest the government to help in fiscal consolidation?
  1. Raise the tax-GDP ratio
  2. Reduce Subsidies
  3. Convert central sector schemes into centrally sponsored schemes
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
Consider the following statements about the proposed Sustainable Rooftop Implementation for Solar Transfiguration of India (SRISTI):
  1. It is an initiative under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
  2. It aims to integrate discoms as an implementing agency for rooftop solar installation
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

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