UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 441

About which article Supreme Court of India has held that where this article comes in the article 14 goes out?
Which of the following is / are correct statements with respect to the Ajivika sect?
  1. The followers of this sect believed in doctrine of immutability
  2. The basic theme of ajivikism is the doctrine of niyati or destiny
  3. Main source of information on ajivikism is agamasutra
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Which of the following pertain to the fiscal system?
  1. Direct and Indirect Taxes
  2. Disinvestment proceeds
  3. Government borrowing from market
  4. Subsidy and other transfer payments
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
The terms Pusa Kiran and Pusa Malvi, which were recently in news, are varieties of:
The phrase "put a price on carbon" is associated to which of the following?

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