UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 411

With reference to the unbalanced use of fertilizers in India, which among the following statements is/ are correct?
  1. In India, Nitrogen fertilizers is used in higher amount comparison to potassium and phosphate
  2. The price differentials is one of the main reason of unbalanced fertilizers usage in India
  3. Heavy nitrogen fertilizers causes nitrate contamination of ground water
  4. Nitrate cannot be removed once it has entered the underground water system
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Sahel region, which was recently making news, is an ecoclimatic and biogeographic region in which ofthe following continents?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is considered a better imaging technology than CAT scan because:
1. MRI does not include invasive radiations
2. MRI is a nonionizing diagnostic technique
3. MRI does not make the Hydrogen atoms resonate in body tissues
4. MRI can effectively differentiate between healthy and diseased tissues
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
Which of the following services are provided by the Micro-ATMs?
  1. Opening Bank Account
  2. Cash Withdrawal
  3. Cash Transfer
Select the correct option from codes given below:
Which of the following is / are correct developments that have taken place in recent years in context with India-Bangladesh bilateral relations?
  1. India has ceded a territory called Tin Bigha Corridor to Bangladesh
  2. India has launched a special channel on All India Radio to improve people-to-people contact between the two countries
  3. India and Bangladesh are now partners in Regional Power Trading System
Select the correct option from the codes given below:

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