UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 400

Which among the following Fundamental rights has been most controversial?
Which article deals with the procedure for amendment of the Indian Constitution?
Which among the following was / were included in the primary economy of the Indus Valley Civilization?
  1. Pastoralism
  2. Mixed Farming
  3. Exploitation of marine resources
  4. Animal husbandry
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Consider the following differences between Bluetooth and Near field communication (NFC) technologies:
  1. Bluetooth has higher effective range in comparison to NFC
  2. NFC technology consumes little power when compared to standard Bluetooth technology
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Recently, the largest warships of which of the following countries were making news for their first time visit to Sri Lanka under the so called “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy"?

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