India ranks high in suicides

A recent report by World Health Organization has brought out astonishing figures about the increase in suicide rates in India over time. The report has ranked India as the country with the highest number of suicides in Southeast Asia in 2012.
Globally the suicide rate is even more depressing as there is a suicide every 40 seconds. This alarming rate has been observed over the last decade. The WHO has called on all the civilized nations and societies to work in tandem and make coordinated efforts to tame this rate and analyse the reasons behind such numbers.
Out of the world, Southeast Asia ranks the highest, mostly limited to low and middle income groups. 39% of suicides have been found to come from such societies. Pesticide injection mark the most common method used in this part for committing suicides. Economic woes, dilapidated household conditions and debt-stress have been one of the most prevalent reasons which led to massive suicides by the farmers in India in the last decade.
The numbers are shocking for every country which aspires to be a developed nation. Demographically it is seen most often among the age group of 15-30 years. Many European countries have banned over the counter sale of pesticides or arms which have proved to be a major weapon in such cases. Also, not everybody who takes such an extreme step, dies. The report also suggests that out of every 20 suicides only 1 succumbs to injury and dies.
The new government while on road of becoming a completely digitalized nation and trying hard for a massive financial inclusion, so not overlook such serious reports which in a way point towards a misguided and depressed youth. Being a very young nation where over 60% of the population is below 35 years of age, the government has to come up with ample employment opportunities. Sports should also be given requisite importance and encouragement.



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