PM Modi launches “Ghar Tak Fibre” scheme in Bihar

On September 21, 2020, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched nine highway projects and Optical Fibre Internet Services in Bihar. The optical fibre services are being provided under the scheme “Ghar Tak Fibre”.


The Highway projects are to construct 350 km of road. The roads are to be built at a cost of Rs 14,250 crores. These road projects will improve movement of people with Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh. Also, the roads will help in better connectivity, enhance convenience and economic growth in and around the state.


In 2015, the Prime Minister had announced special package for the state of Bihar. It included 75 projects of worth Rs 54,700 crores. Out of these 75 projects, 13 have been completed and 38 are under implementation. As these projects are completed, the National Highways in the state will stand strengthened and widened. Also, the rives will have bridges to the specifications of 21st century.

Optical Fibre Services

These services are to be executed along with combined efforts of Common Service Centre. The project is to be implemented Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology under the scheme “Ghar Tak Fibre”. The project will connect 45,945 villages in the state and will thus enable Digital revolution to reach farthest corner of Bihar.

Ghar Tak Fibre scheme

The scheme aims to provide optical fibre enabled internet connections to every home in the country, concentrating on village and rural areas. During his 74th independence-day address, PM Modi had said that over 1.5 lakh village panchayats have received optical fiber connections after 2014 under the scheme. The CSC Wi-Fi Choupal is an initiative to provide high speed internet connectivity to rural India. It ensures digital connectivity using Bharat Net.

Digital India

The villages in Bihar are being provided Wi-Fi connections under Digital India Programme. The program has launched several initiatives in the country to bring in digital revolution. They are Digital Locker System, Bharat Net, national scholarship portals, online registration systems, etc.

The GoI is currently planning to make “Digital Village” all over the country. This is to be achieved by linking all schemes with technology. The Digital Villages will be powered by solar energy, LED lighting, e-services such as education and health.


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