Madhya Pradesh to introduce reservation of state Government jobs for local people

In a historic decision, the Madhya Pradesh government announced its intention to reserve the seat of all state government jobs for the people of the state. If this happens, Madhya Pradesh will become the first state of India to reserve seats for all state government jobs for the domicile population.

Will it violate the Constitutional provisions?

Article 16 of the Indian Constitution safeguards the citizen from any kind of discrimination in the employment on grounds of religion, race, sex, caste descent, and place of birth or residence.

But there are some exceptions. One of them is that the Parliament of India has the power to prescribe “residents” as a condition for employment.

Way ahead

Madhya Pradesh is looking forward to introducing the same kind of provisions to several other sectors as well.

Similar moves by other states

The state of Jharkhand announced a reservation of 75% private-sector jobs for permanent residents. The state of Haryana has taken a move one step ahead by clearing an ordinance with the same 75% reservation quota as Jharkhand.


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