National Fertilizers Limited launches Mobile Soil Testing Labs

On June 29, 2020, the National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) launched the Mobile Soil Testing Labs. Around 5 mobile labs were launched by NFL to promote appropriate use of fertilizers to maintain soil quality.


The Mobile Soil Testing labs have been constructed on a four wheeler and are are loaded with soil testing equipment. They shall be used for micro and macro nutrient analysis of soil. Also, the mobile labs were equipped with audio-video system to educate farmers.

The NFL is also serving the country by establishing static soil testing laboratories. So far 6 static soil testing labs have been established. They have tested more than 25,000 of soil samples free of cost.

Soil Testing

Soil Testing is important to determine the amount of fertilizers to be used for cultivating the crop. Soil testing determines nutrient content of the soil. It also determines the acidity and pH levels of the soil.

The test will mimic the function of roots to assimilate minerals. During soil testing, the growth rate expectancy is calculated by Law of the Maximum.

Law of Maximum

The soil testing is conducted based on the Law of the Maximum. It states that the total growth of the plant is proportional to about 70 growth factors.


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