Current Affairs – August 26, 2020 [Evening Headlines]

Here are the Current Affairs Evening Headlines of August 26, 2020 by GKToday:

‘Kiran’ helpline to be launched to address mental health issues amid pandemic

Due to the growing prevalence of mental health issues caused by the coronavirus outbreak, the Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry announced that it would launch a toll free helpline, Kiran.

CGHS initiates tele-consultation services

The Central Government Health Scheme uses existing e-Sanjeevani platform of the Health Ministry to provide tele-consultation services to enable beneficiaries have access to specialist consultations on Medicine, Orthopaedics, Eye and ENT. The beneficiaries of this scheme are government employees and pensioners.

Africa declared polio-free

The African Regional Certification Commission has declared Africa free from wild polio. Polio, which usually affects children below the age of five, sometimes leads to an irreversible paralysis. The disease is currently found only in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Export Preparedness Index 2020 released

NITI Aayog and the Institute of Competitiveness released the Export Preparedness Index (EPI), 2020. It is the first report to analyse the Indian states’ export preparedness and performance. The objective is to identify challenges and opportunity and enhance government policies’ effectiveness.

NHAI develops portal to track performance of developers, consultants

Vendor Performance Evaluation System portal was launched to track performance of consultants, contractors and concessionaires involved in NHAI projects. Vendors are to conduct a self-assessment and upload project documents on the portal. NHAI would then review these submissions at multiple levels, based on which vendor rating is generated.

Facebook to pay for news contents

To ensure that the news content is available on the tech giant’s Facebook News, it is to pay news publishers in various countries. Facebook News, a dedicated news service launched in the US in 2019, is to be expanded to India, the UK, Germany, France and Brazil.

100th anniversary of Women’s Equality Day observed in US

Women’s Equality Day is observed annually on 26th August to commemorate American women getting constitutional right to vote. The 19th Amendment of the US constitution, which was adopted in 1920, bans denying citizens the right to vote based on gender differences.

Draft health data management policy released

The draft policy aims to provide framework for the protection of personal data of people willing to enroll for the National Digital Health Mission. The NDHM was announced by the Prime Minister during his independence day speech this year.


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