March 24: World Tuberculosis Day

Every year, March 24 is marked as the World Tuberculosis Day. The idea was proposed by International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD). The day is also marked by the World Health Organization (WHO).


The Day is being marked to raise public awareness about the devastating social and economic impacts caused by the disease. The Theme of 2020 World Tuberculosis Day is

Theme: It’s Time

  • To Scale up prevention and treatments
  • To build accountability
  • To build financial sustainability towards research
  • To put an end to discrimination and stigma


According to the United Nations, every day around 4,000 people lose their lives due to Tuberculosis. Also, around 30,000 people fall ill due to the disease.

Why March 24?

Every year, March 24 is being marked as World Tuberculosis Day Dr Robert Koch announced the discovery of the bacterium causing Tuberculosis on the very same day. When Koch made the announcement, the disease was deadly and was killing one out of seven people in Europe and America.


1 Comment

  1. Dr.Cajetan Coelho

    March 26, 2020 at 1:18 pm

    Health is wealth. TB needs to be fought on a war footing.


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