United Nations Global Compact Study: Women Labour-force has declined greatly in India

The United Nations Global Compact conducted a study recently and found that female labour participation has decreased from 34% in 2006 to 24.8% in 2020. The study also says that out of the 153 countries surveyed, India is the only country where economic gender gap is greater than political gap.

Key Findings

The Study says that if women labour participation has been the same as that of men, the GDP of the country shall be boosted by 27%. Globally 38.7% of employed women are working in forestry, agriculture and fisheries. However, only 13.85 of them are landholders.


The study suggests that corporate policies and public policies in India should ensure effective solutions. They should adapt life changes with their employees including dual career couples, maternity and changing care needs.

United Nations Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact states 10 principles on human rights, anti-corruption, environment and labour. It encourages businesses world wide to adopt socially responsible policies.


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