National Green Corps
National Green Corps (NGC) Programme It is a well established and recognised fact that the children can be catalysts in promoting a mass movement about the ensemble of the environmental issues. Being future citizens, inculcation of environment friendly attitudes and behavioural patterns amongst them can make a significant difference to the long term efforts for protection of environment. Children are triggers for a chain reaction, making a difference at the local and community level which in due course lead to awareness at village, city, State, country and global level. MoEF has hence, embarked upon a major initiative for creating environmental awareness among children by formulating National Green Corps (NGC) in 2001-02. In less than ten years, that the programme has been in operation, it has been catapulted into a mass movement of children for maintaining and preserving the environment. 1,30,931 Eco-clubs have so far been established in NGC Schools across the country.
p vinod menon
May 31, 2018 at 1:04 pmam impressed-hope they can make a difference.