India – Burundi Relations

Apart from bilateral relations India engages with Burundi through African Union and REC – Regional Economic Communities. The cordial relations between the countries were established after the East African Community revoked sanctions against the country. East African Community is an intergovernmental organization. It comprises of 6 countries namely Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya and Paul Kagame.

India exports 42.66 million USD worth goods to Burundi annually and imports 10.19 million USD worth goods.

Under the IAFS – I (India Africa Forum Summit), India established a vocational training center in the country. The center trains people to become entrepreneurs. Under IAFS – II, India announced 40 biomass gasifier systems out of which a cluster would be set up in Burundi. The gasifiers will provide low cost electricity by powering gas engines.

In 2010, India set up a tele-medicine and tele-education center in the country. In 2011, India provided 80 million USD of line of credit for the 20 MW Kabu Hydro – electric project.

Burundians look India as a good destination for quality and affordable education. India offered 161.36 million USD worth line of credit for construction of new Parliament in the country. India also provided 102.27 million USD for construction of ministerial buildings. There are about 300 PIOs in Burundi. PIOs are Persons of Indian Origin.

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