There is doubt in the fact that the state of well-being of an ordinary Indian is far from ideal. What steps should be taken by Modi 2.0 to improve the same?

There is no shortage of economic advice for Indians but what will really improve the life of ordinary Indians is not the economy but other macro factors like job creation. As per the Gallup�s 2018 World Poll of 150 countries, India had scored the lowest in terms of well-being. The new government needs to look into this number carefully. The first step should be to fix the economy and bring upon improvement in the non-economic factors of the citizen�s life. The next big factor is the healthcare which the government has to take seriously and allocate much more percentage of GDP to it to the tune of 1.4% which is the lowest in the world. Next, it has to work on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. India has bagged the rank of 112 out of a total of 156 nations as per the index of progress on goals.

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