Quiz 793: GK Questions for Delhi Homeguard

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for Delhi Homeguard based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

Which among the following was the royal emblem of Pandya Kingdom?
The Pulie Badze Wildlife Sanctuary, which is natural habitat of Grey-bellied Tragopan, is located in which state?
In context with the Constituent Assembly, which among the following observations is / are correct?
  1. The members of Constituent Assembly were elected directly
  2. The basis of seats allocation was population
  3. Composition of the Constituent Assembly was roughly in line with the suggestions of the Cabinet Mission plan
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
South Talpatti Island” has been a disputed territory between which of the following neighbors?
Bessemer process has been used in which of the following industries?
Consider the following:
  1. National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture
  2. National Mission of Sustainable Agriculture
Which among the above come under the Prime Minister’s National Plan on Climate Change?
Which among the following factors are essential for ‘blood coagulation’?
  1. Vitamin K
  2. Calcium ions (Ca++)
  3. Christmas factor
Select the correct option from the codes given below:  
Indian Railways has recently signed pact with which company for use of Natural Gas in railway workshops?
Which of the following rulers introduced "Rupee" in India?
Which of the following substance was used as a moderator in CIRUS reactor?

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