UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 71

With reference to Parliamentary terminology, how "closure" is different from "Guillotine"?
  1. While Closure ends a debate, Guillotine ends a session
  2. While Closure is preceded by a motion, Guillotine is not preceded by a motion
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
The famous Kolayat Fair is celebrated in which state of India?
In recent times, manmade or constructed wetlands are helping a lot in environment production. What are benefits of constructed wetlands?
  1. They provide cost effective alternative to water storage systems
  2. They are suitable for Indian tropical conditions
  3. They can effectively treat waste water
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
What functions are done by the Statutory Liquidity Ratio?
  1. It is an instrument of credit control;
  2. It works as a cushion against the possibility of bank failures; and
  3. It finances government deficits
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Consider the following statements with reference to S -400 triumf missile regarding which India recently signed a deal with Russia:
  1. It is a surface to surface missile with a range of up to 400 Km
  2. India is the only country in South Asia which has a deal signed with Russia for S-400 missiles
  3. S-400 is not a nuclear capable missile
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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