UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 62

Which of the following project envisages better estimation of crop damage using space technology and drone-based imaging?
Carbon Dioxide is:
  1. most abundant greenhouse gas
  2. more potent (per molecule of gas) than methane
  3. main anthropogenic greenhouse gas produced in India
  4. only greenhouse gas presently increasing in the atmosphere
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
In recent times, ‘Algae bioreactors’ have been of immense attention of scientific research. An Algae bioreactor can be useful for ___:
  1. Carbon sequestration
  2. Production of biodiesel and bioethanol
  3. Pollution Control
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
How Alligators are different from Crocodiles?
  1. While Alligators and Crocodiles belong to same family of reptiles, their orders are different
  2. While Alligators prefer a freshwater habitat, crocodiles prefer to live in brackish water or saltwater.
  3. While the salt glands are non functional in Alligators, they work in Crocodiles
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
With reference to Banking Industry, high CD ratio of the banks would indicate:
1. higher ability of the banks to make optimal use of their resources
2. rise in interest rates
Select the correct option from the codes given below:

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