NIH Recruitment 2019: 20 Vacancies

National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the posts of Project Staff (on contract basis) through Walk-in-Interview. Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below.

About Vacancies

S.No.Project/Sub-Project TitleDesignationNo. of PostDuration
1“Innovation Centre for Eco-prudent Wastewater Solutions (IC-ECOWS)” DST FundedSenior Program Officer (SPO)015 Years
Reseach Roorkee Associate (RA)015 Years
Junior Research Fellow015 Years
2“Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, (CEH (UK)” CEH SponsoredReseach Associate (R.A)0101 years
3“Environmental Flow Assessment for Yamuna River from Hathnikund Barrage to Okhla Barrage” NMCG FundedReseach Associate (RA)0112 months
4“Enhancing Food and Water Security in Arid Region though Improved Understanding of Quantity, Quality and Management of Blue, Green and Grey Water” DST FundedSenior Research Fellow (SRF)015 Years
Junior Research Fellow(JRF)015 Years
5“Assessment of seasonal variations in Hydrology and Cryosphere of Upper Ganga Basin using GRACE Data” DST SupportedJunior Research Fellow013 years
6NMSHE Sub Project entitled “Glacial Lakes & Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in Western Himalayan Region” DST FundedJunior Research Fellow01Upto 12 Jan.2021
7Integrated Management of Water Resources for Quantity and Quality in Upper Yamuna Basin upto Delhi” CEHM(NHP)Senior Research Fellow023 years
Junior Research Fellow013 years
8“Hydrological Modelling for Evaluation of Return Flow and Irrigation Planning for Optimal Utilization of Water Resource in the Command of Sanjay Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh (Return Flow -MP)” No: NIH -28_2017_69 Under NHP (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research Fellow014 years
9“Development of Decision Tool for Efficient Utilization of Water Resource in Parwati Canal & Dholpur Piped irrigation Project of Rajasthan (Irrigation Management – Rajasthan” No.: RAJ – 4_2017_57 Under NHP (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research Fellow012.5 Years
10“Impact Assessment of the Upcoming Irrigation Projects and Climate Change on the Droughts and Desertification Scenario for Chambal Basin in Western Madhya Pradesh” NHP Sponsored (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research Fellow013 years
11“Integrated Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Narmada basin through Hydrological Modelling Approaches” NHP Sponsored (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research Fellow013 years
12Computer CentreResource Person (Junior)02Initially for 06 month
13“Web -enabled Inventory of Natural Water Springs of Tawi River Catchment of Jammu and Kashmir State of India for Vulnerability Analysis and Developing Adaptive Measures for Sustaining Tawi River” NMHS Sponsored (For Western Himalayan Regional Centre, Jammu )Junior Research Fellow0103 Years
Project Assistant/ Field Assistant0103 Years

How to Apply

Eligible candidates must ensure that they possess the necessary qualifications and fulfil all the required criteria before appearing for walk-in-interview.

S.No.Project/Sub-Project TitleDesignationDate of Walk-in-interview
1“Innovation Centre for Eco-prudent Wastewater Solutions (IC-ECOWS)” DST FundedSenior Program Officer (SPO)Dated 23.05.2019 11.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
Reseach Roorkee Associate (RA)Dated 23.05.2019 11.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
Junior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 11.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
2“Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, (CEH (UK)” CEH SponsoredReseach Associate (R.A)Dated 23.05.2019 11.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
3“Environmental Flow Assessment for Yamuna River from Hathnikund Barrage to Okhla Barrage” NMCG FundedReseach Associate (RA)Dated 23.05.2019 11.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
4“Enhancing Food and Water Security in Arid Region though Improved Understanding of Quantity, Quality and Management of Blue, Green and Grey Water” DST FundedSenior Research Fellow (SRF)Dated 24.05.2019 11.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
Junior Research Fellow(JRF)Dated 24.05.2019 11.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
5“Assessment of seasonal variations in Hydrology and Cryosphere of Upper Ganga Basin using GRACE Data” DST SupportedJunior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 11.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
6NMSHE Sub Project entitled “Glacial Lakes & Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in Western Himalayan Region” DST FundedJunior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
7Integrated Management of Water Resources for Quantity and Quality in Upper Yamuna Basin upto Delhi” CEHM(NHP)Senior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
Junior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
8“Hydrological Modelling for Evaluation of Return Flow and Irrigation Planning for Optimal Utilization of Water Resource in the Command of Sanjay Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh (Return Flow -MP)” No: NIH -28_2017_69 Under NHP (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
9“Development of Decision Tool for Efficient Utilization of Water Resource in Parwati Canal & Dholpur Piped irrigation Project of Rajasthan (Irrigation Management – Rajasthan” No.: RAJ – 4_2017_57 Under NHP (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
10“Impact Assessment of the Upcoming Irrigation Projects and Climate Change on the Droughts and Desertification Scenario for Chambal Basin in Western Madhya Pradesh” NHP Sponsored (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
11“Integrated Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Narmada basin through Hydrological Modelling Approaches” NHP Sponsored (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
12Computer CentreResource Person (Junior)Dated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
13“Web -enabled Inventory of Natural Water Springs of Tawi River Catchment of Jammu and Kashmir State of India for Vulnerability Analysis and Developing Adaptive Measures for Sustaining Tawi River” NMHS Sponsored (For Western Himalayan Regional Centre, Jammu )Junior Research FellowDated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee
Project Assistant/ Field AssistantDated 24.05.2019 10.00AM at NIH, Roorkee

Essential Qualification

S.No.Project/Sub-Project TitleDesignationQualification
1“Innovation Centre for Eco-prudent Wastewater Solutions (IC-ECOWS)” DST FundedSenior Program Officer (SPO)Senior Program Officer (SPO) Essential: Ph.D in Engg./ Sciences OR PG in Engg./ Sciences (in Environmental Engg./ Environmental Science/ Chemistry) With minimum 5 years of field experience in the field of wastewater treatment & management.
Reseach Roorkee Associate (RA)Research Associate (R.A-Level-1) Essential: Ph.D degree in Engg./Sciences OR PG in Engg./Sciences (in Environmental Engg/ Environmental Science/ Chemistry) having 3 years of research experience with atleast one research paper in SCI Journal/ reputed journal. Desirable: Persons with higher/ additional qualifications, research experience, and published papers in the field of wastewater treatment would be preferred.
Junior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow (JRF) Essential:Post Graduate Degree in basic sciences OR Graduate/ Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are seleted through National Eligibility Tests-CSIRUGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc. in Environmental Engg/ Environmental Science/ Chemistry Desirable:Persons with research experience and published papers in the field of wastewater treatment would be preferred.
2“Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, (CEH (UK)” CEH SponsoredReseach Associate (R.A)Research Associate (R.A) Essential: Doctorate (Ph.D) in Engineering/ Sciences OR having 3 years of research, teaching & design and development experience after M.E./M. Tech. (in Hydrology, Soil & Water Conservation Engg., Meteorology, AgroMeteorology, Atmospheric Sciences, Forest Hydrology, Geo-informatics) with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal. Desirable: Experience of woring in the above research areas.
3“Environmental Flow Assessment for Yamuna River from Hathnikund Barrage to Okhla Barrage” NMCG FundedReseach Associate (RA)Research Associate (R.A) Essential: Ph.D. degree in Civil Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Natural Resources Management OR M.E./M. Tech. in Civil Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/Environmental Engg. having 3 years of research experience, with a least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal
4“Enhancing Food and Water Security in Arid Region though Improved Understanding of Quantity, Quality and Management of Blue, Green and Grey Water” DST FundedSenior Research Fellow (SRF)Senior Research Fellow (SRF) Essential: Post Graduate Degree (in Earth Science/ Applied Geology/Environmental Science) OR M.E. /M. Tech. (in Civil Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/Environmental Engg./ Agricultural Engg./ Soil & Water Conservation Engg.) selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are seleted through National Eligibility Tests-CSIRUGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc. AND Two years of research experience Nature of Work: Field experiments & investigations, distributed modeling for conjunctive use of water resources in Rajasthan Desirable:Preference will be given to candidates having experience of carrying out distributed groundwater modelling using MODFLOW and work on GIS.
Junior Research Fellow(JRF)Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Essential: Post Graduate Degree (in Earth Science/ Applied Geology/Environmental Science) OR M.E. /M. Tech. (in Civil Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/Environmental Engg./ Agricultural Engg./ Soil & Water Conservation Engg.) selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are seleted through National Eligibility Tests-CSIRUGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc. Nature of Work: Field experiments & investigations, distributed modeling for conjunctive use of water resources in Rajasthan Desirable: Preference will be given to candidates having experience of carrying out distributed groundwater modelling using MODFLOW and work on GIS.
5“Assessment of seasonal variations in Hydrology and Cryosphere of Upper Ganga Basin using GRACE Data” DST SupportedJunior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow (JRF) Essential: 1 st class Graduate Degree in Professional Courses (B.E./B.Tech.) (in Civil Agri. Engg./ Environmental Science) or equivalent relevant qualification OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.E./M.Tech.) (in Water Resources Hydrology/RemoteSensing/GIS/Geoinformatic/ IT/Agricultural Engg. OR 1 st class Post Graduate Degree (in Basic Science (M.Sc.) in Hydrology/ Water resources/ Geoinformatics/ Meteorology/ Environmental Sciences/ Earth Sciences) or relevant equivalent qualification selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are seleted through National Eligibility Tests-CSIRUGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc. Desirable: Experience in Remote Sensing and GIS and experience in handling GRACE data.
6NMSHE Sub Project entitled “Glacial Lakes & Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in Western Himalayan Region” DST FundedJunior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow (JRF) Essential: Post Graduate Degree in basic sciences (Maths/ Physics/ Geology/ Earth Sciences) OR Graduate Degree in Professional Course (B.E./B.Tech.) (in Civil/ Agriculture/ Computer Engg./ Information Technology/ Agricultural Engg.) OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.E./M.Tech.) (in Water Resources/Hydrology/ Remote sensing/GIS/ Geoinformatics/IT/ Agricultural Engg.) selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are seleted through National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc. Desirable: Persons with higher/additional qualifications, research experience, and published papers in relevant field would be preferred
7Integrated Management of Water Resources for Quantity and Quality in Upper Yamuna Basin upto Delhi” CEHM(NHP)Senior Research FellowSenior Research Fellow Essential: Post Graduate Degree (in Earth Science/ Applied Geology/ Environmental Science/ Chemistry/ Environmental Resource Management) OR M.E./M. Tech (in Civil Engg./Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Environmental Engg./ Agricultural Engg./ Soil & Water Conservation Engg.) selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc. AND Two years of research experience Nature of Work: Field investigations, lab experiments, data processing and support in hydrological modeling. Desirable:Preference will be given to candidates having experience of hydrological modeling using softwares such as SWAT, MODFLOW, HYDRUS etc., work on GIS, statistical analysis, climate change impact analysis and/ or water quality analyses, sample preparation, field surveys etc.
Junior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow Essential: Post Graduate Degree (in Earth Science/ Applied Geology/ Environmental Science/ Chemistry ) OR M.E./ M. Tech . (in Civil Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Environmental Engg./ Agricultural Engg./ Soil & Water Conservation Engg. ) selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests – CSIR -UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc . Nature of Work: Field investigations, lab experiments, data processing and support in hydrological modeling. Preference will be given to candidates having experience of work on GIS, statistical analysis, hydrological modeling, and/ or water quality analyses, sample preparation etc
8“Hydrological Modelling for Evaluation of Return Flow and Irrigation Planning for Optimal Utilization of Water Resource in the Command of Sanjay Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh (Return Flow -MP)” No: NIH -28_2017_69 Under NHP (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow (JRF) Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate Degree in Professional Course (B.E./B.Tech.)(in Civil Engg./ Agricultural Engg./Environmental Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Remote Sensing and GIS/ Geosciences/ Geology/ Geoinformatics, Computer Science/IT ) OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.E./M.Tech.)(in Civil Engg./ Agricultural Engg./Environmental Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Remote Sensing and GIS/ Geosciences/Geology/Geoinformatics/Comput – er Science/IT) selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are seleted through National Eligibility Tests -CSIR – UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b . The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc.
9“Development of Decision Tool for Efficient Utilization of Water Resource in Parwati Canal & Dholpur Piped irrigation Project of Rajasthan (Irrigation Management – Rajasthan” No.: RAJ – 4_2017_57 Under NHP (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow (JRF) Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate Degree in Professional Course (B.E./B.Tech.)(in Civil Engg./ Agricultural Engg./ Environmental Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Remote Sensing and GIS/ Geosciences/ Geology/ Geoinformatics/Computer Science/IT ) OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.E./M.Tech.) (in Civil Engg./ Agricultural Engg./ Environmental Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Remote Sensing and GIS/ Geosciences/Geology/Geoinformatic s/Compu – ter Science/IT) selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are seleted through National Eligibility Tests -CSIR – UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b . The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc.
10“Impact Assessment of the Upcoming Irrigation Projects and Climate Change on the Droughts and Desertification Scenario for Chambal Basin in Western Madhya Pradesh” NHP Sponsored (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow (JRF) Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.E./M.Tech.) (in Civil Engg./ Agricultural Engg./ Environmental Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Remote Sensing and GIS/ Geomatics/Geoinformatics/ Earth Sciences/ Environmental Sciences ) selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are seleted through National Eligibility Tests -CSIR – UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b . The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc. Desirable : Persons with higher/additional qualifications and execution of research projects would be preferred.
11“Integrated Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Narmada basin through Hydrological Modelling Approaches” NHP Sponsored (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow (JRF) Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.E./M.Tech.) (in Civil Engg./ Agricultural Engg./ Environmental Engg./ Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Remote Sensing and GIS/ Geomatics/ Geoinformatics/ Earth Sciences/ Environmental Sciences) selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are seleted through National Eligibility Tests -CSIR – UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. b . The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER etc. Desirable : Persons with higher/additional qualifications and execution of research projects would be preferred.
12Computer CentreResource Person (Junior)Resource Person Essential: B.Tech. (Computer Science)/MCA OR Bachelors Degree (B.Com.,B.Sc.) one year of hardware – Networking Cou rse . Job description: 05 years experience in maintaining and repair of computer hardware related items in the Computer Centre and at user end, to maintain network system and to install software at user end as required.
13“Web -enabled Inventory of Natural Water Springs of Tawi River Catchment of Jammu and Kashmir State of India for Vulnerability Analysis and Developing Adaptive Measures for Sustaining Tawi River” NMHS Sponsored (For Western Himalayan Regional Centre, Jammu )Junior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow : Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Remote Sensing and GIS/Geology/Environmental Sciences/ Chemistry with NET OR Graduate degree in Professional Course (B.E./B.Tech.) in Agricultural Engineering/ Environmental/ Chemical engineering with GATE Qualification OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.E./M.Tech.) in Agricultural Engineering/ Environmental/ Chemical engineering Desirable: Experience of Spring related field survey, working skill on GIS and remotes sensing softwares and also have some basic experience of lab analysis. Note: A non – NET candidate is eligible for the post and would be designated as Junior Project Fellow (JPF) and would be given an emolument of Rs.16000/ -+ HRA (as admissible) Nature of Work: Field & laboratory investigation. Place of posting shall be at any place of Tawi River catchment of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir.
Project Assistant/ Field AssistantProject Assistant/ Field Assistant: Essential: Graduate in any discipline/ diploma in any branch of Engineering Desirable: Knowledge of handling scientific instruments like GPS, pH/EC meter, etc. and experience of conducting survey. Nature of Work: Field Survey of natural water springs in Tawi river catchment, Jammu and posted in any place of Tawi River catchment, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir.

Other Information

Pay Scale

S.No.Project/Sub-Project TitleDesignationEmoluments
1“Innovation Centre for Eco-prudent Wastewater Solutions (IC-ECOWS)” DST FundedSenior Program Officer (SPO)Rs.55,000/-p.m. (consolidated)
Reseach Roorkee Associate (RA)Rs.47,000/-p.m. + HRA (as applicable)
Junior Research FellowRs.31,000/-p.m. + HRA (as applicable)
2“Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, (CEH (UK)” CEH SponsoredReseach Associate (R.A)Rs.47,000/-p.m. + HRA (as applicable)
3“Environmental Flow Assessment for Yamuna River from Hathnikund Barrage to Okhla Barrage” NMCG FundedReseach Associate (RA)Rs.47,000/-p.m. + HRA (as applicable)
4“Enhancing Food and Water Security in Arid Region though Improved Understanding of Quantity, Quality and Management of Blue, Green and Grey Water” DST FundedSenior Research Fellow (SRF)Rs.35,000/-p.m. + HRA (as applicable)
Junior Research Fellow(JRF)Rs.31,000/-p.m. + HRA (as applicable)
5“Assessment of seasonal variations in Hydrology and Cryosphere of Upper Ganga Basin using GRACE Data” DST SupportedJunior Research FellowRs.31,000/-p.m. + HRA (as applicable)
6NMSHE Sub Project entitled “Glacial Lakes & Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in Western Himalayan Region” DST FundedJunior Research FellowRs.31,000/-p.m. + HRA (as applicable)
7Integrated Management of Water Resources for Quantity and Quality in Upper Yamuna Basin upto Delhi” CEHM(NHP)Senior Research FellowRs.35,000/-p.m. +HRA (as applicable)
Junior Research FellowRs.31,000/ -p.m. +HRA (as applicable)
8“Hydrological Modelling for Evaluation of Return Flow and Irrigation Planning for Optimal Utilization of Water Resource in the Command of Sanjay Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh (Return Flow -MP)” No: NIH -28_2017_69 Under NHP (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowRs.31,000/ -p.m. +HRA (as applicable)
9“Development of Decision Tool for Efficient Utilization of Water Resource in Parwati Canal & Dholpur Piped irrigation Project of Rajasthan (Irrigation Management – Rajasthan” No.: RAJ – 4_2017_57 Under NHP (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowRs.31,000/ -p.m. +HRA (as applicable)
10“Impact Assessment of the Upcoming Irrigation Projects and Climate Change on the Droughts and Desertification Scenario for Chambal Basin in Western Madhya Pradesh” NHP Sponsored (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowRs.31,000/ -p.m. +HRA (as applicable)
11“Integrated Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Narmada basin through Hydrological Modelling Approaches” NHP Sponsored (For Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Bhopal)Junior Research FellowRs.31,000/ -p.m. +HRA (as applicable)
12Computer CentreResource Person (Junior)Rs.20,000/ – to Rs.40,000/ – depending upon educational qualification and experience. Plus Rs.1500/ – p.m. as local conveyance
13“Web -enabled Inventory of Natural Water Springs of Tawi River Catchment of Jammu and Kashmir State of India for Vulnerability Analysis and Developing Adaptive Measures for Sustaining Tawi River” NMHS Sponsored (For Western Himalayan Regional Centre, Jammu )Junior Research FellowRs.25,000/ – p.m.+HRA (as applicable)
Project Assistant/ Field AssistantRs.10,000/-p.m. (Consolidated)

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