Northern Railway Recruitment 2018 for Clerks & Stenographers
RRC Northern Railway Recruitment (RRCNR) has invited applications for the recruitment of Retired Ministerial Clerk & Steno Vacancy. Applications have to be submitted in the prescribed proforma only with requisite enclosure to work in HQ office at Baroda House, New Delhi and Construction Organization of Northern Railway on re-engagement basis. The total number of vacancies available is 153 and the break-up of vacancies is given below. The candidates should submit the applications online only by 5th March 2018. The maximum age limit for the posts is 64 years and 6 months.
It is to be noted that only Retired Railway employees of Northern Railway are eligible to apply and such retired employees should not have undergone any major punishment in last 5 years. The applicants should be medically fit and willing to work in overall jurisdiction of HQ & Const. Organization. The re-engagement of Retired Railway employees shall be purely on temporary arrangement basis and shall be terminated as and when regular employees are available. All the important details are mentioned in the official notification.
About the Vacancies
HQ Division
- Ministerial 105 posts
- Stenographers 19 posts
Const/Org/K. Gate + USBRL
- Ministerial 26 posts
- Stenographers 03 posts
Total 153 posts
Age Limit:
- Upper age limit is 64 years 6 months as on 31.03.2018
- Relaxation Applicable as per rules
Pay Scale
- Equal to the last drawn pay minus pension
Last Date
- 5th March 2018
Official Links
- Official Notification Click Here
- Apply Online Click Here
February 16, 2018 at 5:45 pmgood job